Sharing Internet Gratis (ICS) lewat bluetooth

Bolak balik googling nanya2 cara sharing internet lewat bluetooth
. Hasilnya belum berhasil. Kebanyakan menyarankan pakai software WIDCOM untuk koneksi bluetoothnya. Tapi pas aku instal di PC k ternyata malah error. GATOT alis gagal total. Dan suatu waktu gak sengaja ngeliat software bluesoleilversi 6 + cracknya., dan iseng2 gw coba pakai ini. Dengan sedikit utek2 konfigurasi sama tanya teman2 tenyata walhasil gw berhasil sharing internetnya.
Disini saya tidak sharing Internet Gratis nya.xixixixi. Tapi saya mau sharing gimana caranya bagi2 koneksi gratisnya. Mumpung bandwith berlebih, kan sayang klo dibuang percuma.La wong dapet HSDPA speed 1,5mbps.gimana gak berlebih klo sekedar buat browsing.ixixixi.mending dihabisin bersama2 .wkwkwkwk
ok langsung aj. Alat-alat perang yg saya pakai antara lain modem HSDPA USB SIERRA 881U , 2 buah bluetooth dan yg jelas 2 PC. :D

1rst step :
Buatlah koneksi antara 2 PC menggunakan bluetooth. untuk sopwernya saya menggunakan bluesoleil versi 6. ntar file nya tak upload menyusul.ato cari di mbah google banyak.istal sopwer trus konekkan kedua PC tadi melalui PAN (Personal Area Network)

2nd step:
untuk membuat suatu jaringan tentu harus ada server dan client. dimana koneksi internet berada di server. Dan client adalah di ibaratkan sebagai konsumen. disini kita perlu mengedit TCP/IP server dan client agar bisa saling inter koneksi.
untuk setting TCP/IP server bluetooth klik LOCAL AREA CONNECTION ==>PROPERTIES==>trus pilih TCP/IP klik properties trus di isi spt gambar dibawah ini :

nah ini untuk config TCP/IP bluetotth di server

Trus gimana cara setting bluetooth di client nya. Langkah2 nya sama spt setting TCP/IP di server. yang berbeda cuma IP dan gateway nya silahkan lihat gambar dibawah ini :

Untuk mengetahui koneksi yg kmu buat itu berhasil. Kmu coba buka MENU klik RUN ketik: ping di PC client.klo muncul RTO (REQUEST TIME OUT) berarti blm berhasil.klo muncul reply ..bla.bla..bla..TTL=128 berarti SELAMAT.Koneksi antar PC yg anda buat telah berhasil. :D

3rd step :
Langkah selanjutnya konekkan modemnya. disini saya menggunakan kartu AS TELKOMSEL dan modem HSDPA SIERRA 881U. trus koneksinya melalui WWAN. setelah konek , trus klik di pojokan kanan bawah lambang PC kedip2 namanya wireless network connection ==> properties==>> advanced centang allow internet conestion sharing .spt gbr dibawah ini :

setelah semua step2 di atas uda kmu lakukan.berarti kmu telah siap sharing internet kmu dg PC lain. SELAMAT MENCOBA.... :D
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Cara Lain Mencari Account Premium RAPIDSHARE

Setelah berkunjung ke blog teman aku si NOUFALZ
aku pun ikutan jalan2 sambil tanya2 mbah google. ternyata simbah google sedang berbaik hati. Aku dikasih tahu cara lain buat nyari akun RAPIDSHARE
selain seperti cara teman aku noufalz tadi. Katanya sih cara ini paling efektif. mungkin??.xixixi

caranya sbb:
ketik script dibawah ini di engine search nya mbah google
intitle:rapidshare password-0..1e+07 "login 0..1e+07 "

dan cuma gitu aj. selamat mencoba dan semoga beruntung. Oh iya, klo dapet akun premium bagi-bagi sama saya ya...xixixixi
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Menghemat Bandwith dan Mempercepat Koneksi internet

Ada berbagai macam cara untuk menghemat bandwidth internet kita. Cara yg mudah adalah dengan me-non-aktifkan images, picture, java, flash dsb. Tapi ya ga seru kan kalo seluncur didunia maya ga liat gambar . he he he
TOOLNET salah satu tool untuk menghemat bandwitdh dan mempercepat browsing, melalui proxy mereka data internet akan di kompresi sebelum akhirnya sampai ke perangkat kita.
TOOLNET cocok untuk :

* Apabila anda membayar sejumlah data transfer internet (misal 3G/GPRS/DSL/CDMA)
* Jika anda memakai download limit bulanan
* Apabila anda memakai Dial-Up yg sangat lambat

Toolnet bersifat cross platform dan 100% Java yg dibangun dari komponen opensource. Tentu saja berjalan diatas platform Java Runtime Environment. Platform Java ini bisa dijalankan di komputer anda atau bahkan Mobile Device anda (Handphone, PDA dsb).
Tutorial secara bertahap cara menggunakan dan setting Toolnet in. Baca-a sambil nyurupt kopi ama ngudut alias ngerokok biar merasuk ilmunya.xixixixi

* Pertama anda harus download intepreter file Java Runtime Environment Environment (16MB) untuk dapat menjalankan Toonel
* Berikutnya anda bisa download file program Toonel disini
* Jangan lupa untuk mematikan browser anda sebelum instalasi intepreter file diatas.
* Kemudian buka Browser anda, disini saya mencoba dengan mozilla fire fox yang menurut saya browser yg paling mantap
* Pilih menu TOOLS > OPTIONS, ADVANCED> NETWORK > SETTINGS. Seperti petunjuk dibawah ini

Lalu ketik di kolom HTTP dgn angka dan Port 8080 . Seperti petunjuk ini

* Kemudian jalankan Toonel yg telah di download tadi
* Akan muncul tampilan seperti ini

* Selesai sudah, kini kita bisa browsing dan membuka Internet secara cepat serta menghemat bandwidth.
* Kita juga bisa mengatur setting untuk Pop Mail bahkan FTP kita
* Tampilan dan penghematan yg telah dilakukan dapat dilihat seperti ini :

* Perhatikan Cek IP di web gw, IP kita berubah juga

* Met mencoba dan browserdengan cepat dan hemat bandwidth

lihat full artikelnya di:
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Kumpulan setting GPRS dan CDMA untuk dial up internet operator Indonesia

1. Telkomsel Flash – Halo/Simpati/As (time based)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name :
Password :
Access Point : FLASH
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,”flash”

2. Telkomsel GPRS – Halo/Simpati/As (Volume based)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : wap
Password : wap123
Access Point : telkomsel
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,”telkomsel”

3. Indosat – IM3 – (Volume based)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : gprs
Password : im3
Access Point : indosatgprs
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,”indosatgprs”

4. Indosat – IM3 – (Time Based)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : indosat@durasi
Password : indosat@durasi
Access Point : indosatgprs
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,”indosatgprs”

5. XL – Xplor/Bebas/Jempol (Volume Based)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : xlgprs
Password : proxl
Access Point :
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,””

Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : axis
Password : 123456
Access Point : axis
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,”AXIS”

7. 3 (THREE)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : 3gprs
Password : 3gprs
Access Point : 3gprs
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,”3gprs”

8. Telkom Flexi – Classy/Trendy (Volume Based)
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : telkomnet@flexi
Password : telkom
Access Point :
Extra Setting : at+crm=1

9. Telkom Flexi – Classy/Trendy (Time Based)
Dial Up Number : 080989999
User Name : telkomnet@instan
Password : telkom
Access Point :
Extra Setting : at+crm=0

10. Mobile 8 – Fren
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : m8
Password : m8
Access Point :
Extra Setting :

11. Starone
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : starone
Password : indosat
Access Point :
Extra Setting :

12. Esia
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : esia
Password : esia
Access Point :
Extra Setting :
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12 Tips Exact to Captures Candid Photo

In photography, we recognize term candid camera. This means that subject that we portrait not up to scratch pose for or 'realize' camera. The result are even also seen more natural, off the cuff, and not pretended.

For candid camera, we are needn't confused by with many complicated technique. Still, to get result capture that captivate, there is tips specially. Following 12 tipses its exact that.

1. Bring camera where even also Anda goes. already was for capturing all the times, because interesting moment can attend before very eyes any time.

2. Pay attention condition about you. Simple Things can become interesting object for aimed at with your camera. For example, tradesman which is being ponders, one who is awaiting train, lansia that sit beside Anda, two
a couple that is having an affair etc.

3. always for ready to aim at, because is not easy get opportunity to take picture in candid. Thus when there is nice moment, don't worry for direct capture.

4. Don't be too confused by techniques complicated lighting. Focus at simple technique, and use automatic feature camera. This will your facilitate. Various of technical problems, like picture too bold or dark can be interrogated with editing computer.

5. Setting camera at ISO 400, until camera uses quick shutter speed. Anda conducive This condition to catch moment correctly your even.

6. You needn't always made a picture with camera on course eye. Maybe, You can put down camera in waist when take picture. Here it is true required experience and luck to get nice picture.

7. Use zoom lens was most maximal until you can keep distance from subject your capture when portrait.

8. Don't ever take photo of people back, this will produce boring picture.

9. For to convert picture to position 'Black and White' to get more emotional result.

10. Moment 'people something' will become photo nice candid. For example, atlet, merchant, farmer. For to capture core from the person in question job. For example, capturing plumber that busy to repairs leakage pipe or the other.

11. If you resides in public hall, just validities people portrait. If you feels is not delicious to take people picture without knowing them, nothing wrong its your request permit. Subject poses for, behave senatural maybe and remain to continue its activity.

12. Don't ever tire of to exercise and try continuously. Many angle, place and scene that different each other. You also can look for inspiration from photo candid others. Practice continuously will sharpen your ability.
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13 ways care of celullar phone battery remain to be durabel

Technorati Profile
Within reason human with soul, celullar phone also haves soul as the energy for living that is battery. For that's, take care of celullar phone battery in order to its age longer.
Following will I give tips and trick to care of bateray your celullar phone can be long lived.

1. Kill celullar phone.
Better kill celullar phone if you reside in a place that possibility to get its signal difficult. If celullar phone continues activated, while celullar phone continuously look fors signal, this condition will make your battery energy cleanse.

2. Wear repeater.
When reside in place that very outlying, use celullar phone repeater to strengthen monitoring.

3. Kill voice feature of marginal importance, don't let active all day long.

4. Don't activate ringtone and feature jolts also because enough cleanse battery energy, activate one of them only. When reside in cinema it is better activates profile jolts only, nevertheless when reside in public place like mall, station and airport, activate ringtone can become better choice.

5. Lessen brightness your celullar phone screen till 50 percents in order to battery energy that used more economize.

6. Kill Bluetooth if not used. In order to be known only, Active Bluetooth will cleanse quicker energy of celullar phone battery.

7. If it were a Bluetooth, kill also feature infrared if not used.

8. Kill other applications that not used.

9. Put down celullar phone on-site that its temperature normal until did not happen damage of temperature consequence that too high or low. For example, don't put down celullar phone in car that put to the sun sun, above laptop or console game that its temperature heat.

10. Immediately abstract charger from celullar phone if celullar phone battery already full.

11. Charging battery till full and immediately your battery recharge if it empty.

12. If wish durable battery, don't play game passes celullar phone, ten to mp3, conduct video call, edit photo or browsing. All activities are referred as the right not to speed up your battery used finished.

13. Arrange settingan backlight, don't let aflame duration its too old, enough 5 till 15 second only.

that's some tipses and trick to take care of batery you in order to its age longer. see you in the next tips and trick.
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