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Within reason human with soul, celullar phone also haves soul as the energy for living that is battery. For that's, take care of celullar phone battery in order to its age longer.
Following will I give tips and trick to care of bateray your celullar phone can be long lived.
1. Kill celullar phone.
Better kill celullar phone if you reside in a place that possibility to get its signal difficult. If celullar phone continues activated, while celullar phone continuously look fors signal, this condition will make your battery energy cleanse.
2. Wear repeater.
When reside in place that very outlying, use celullar phone repeater to strengthen monitoring.
3. Kill voice feature of marginal importance, don't let active all day long.
4. Don't activate ringtone and feature jolts also because enough cleanse battery energy, activate one of them only. When reside in cinema it is better activates profile jolts only, nevertheless when reside in public place like mall, station and airport, activate ringtone can become better choice.
5. Lessen brightness your celullar phone screen till 50 percents in order to battery energy that used more economize.
6. Kill Bluetooth if not used. In order to be known only, Active Bluetooth will cleanse quicker energy of celullar phone battery.
7. If it were a Bluetooth, kill also feature infrared if not used.
8. Kill other applications that not used.
9. Put down celullar phone on-site that its temperature normal until did not happen damage of temperature consequence that too high or low. For example, don't put down celullar phone in car that put to the sun sun, above laptop or console game that its temperature heat.
10. Immediately abstract charger from celullar phone if celullar phone battery already full.
11. Charging battery till full and immediately your battery recharge if it empty.
12. If wish durable battery, don't play game passes celullar phone, ten to mp3, conduct video call, edit photo or browsing. All activities are referred as the right not to speed up your battery used finished.
13. Arrange settingan backlight, don't let aflame duration its too old, enough 5 till 15 second only.
that's some tipses and trick to take care of batery you in order to its age longer. see you in the next tips and trick.